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While Waiting for OpenMandriva Lx 4, OpenMandriva Lx 3 Users Get Lots of Updates

While waiting for openmandriva lx 4 openmandriva lx 3 users get lots of updates 521966 2

While waiting for openmandriva lx 4 openmandriva lx 3 users get lots of updatesWhile waiting for the forthcoming OpenMandriva Lx 4 operating system series, users of the current OpenMandriva Lx 3 release have received numerous updated packages.

The OpenMandriva development team announced over the weekend that a long list of updated packages await users of the OpenMandriva Lx 3 operating system series, which include the recently released KDE Plasma 5.12.6 LTS desktop environment and Mozilla Firefox 61.0.1 web browser.

“Good news for OpenMandriva Lx 3 users. While OpenMandriva Lx 4.0 in on the way, we keep taking care of OMLx 3.03. Developers crisb, itchka, and TPG have made available a long list of updated packages just released to our updates repositories after the normal testing,” reads the announcement.

Several other KDE components have been updated as well to keep OpenMandriva Lx 3 a stable and reliable operating system. Also, users can now install t… (read more)

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