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While Apple Downplays Physical Kill Switches, Linux Laptops Get More of Them

While apple downplays physical kill switches linux laptops get more of them 530664 2

While apple downplays physical kill switches linux laptops get moreCovering the webcam of the laptop with a small piece of tape is something that so many people do, so a number of PC manufacturers tried to respond to this growing trend with a physical kill switch.

This isn’t the case of Apple, who not only that doesn’t offer a kill switch for the webcam on its MacBooks, but it also recommends against using tape to block it. This is because it can damage certain features of the laptop, such as the sensors that are placed around the front-facing camera. Or at least, that’s what the Cupertino-based tech giant claims.

Meanwhile, Purism, one of the companies that are betting big on privacy for its Linux laptops, keeps investing in new physical kill switches, explaining that nothing beats such a solution when it comes to protecting user privacy.

And more recently, the company announced that … (read more)

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