What is Open RAN? | Ubuntu


You may have heard of the term Open Radio Access Networks (RAN) widely used in the telecom industry in recent years. In this blog, we are going to explain what Open RAN is, why it represents an important technology transformation, and how it will impact the telecom ecosystem. It is the first part of a series of blogs that will discuss this popular topic.

Mobile telecommunication networks

Understanding the importance of Open RAN requires some insight into the foundation it’s deployed on, so let’s start with a quick definition of a mobile network. In simplest terms, mobile networks are a connectivity solution that provides wireless communication capabilities to devices. This could be your phone, tablet, or laptop, but also any type of machines, devices and IoT products with communications capabilities.

Figure 1. Simple illustration of a mobile network.

A mobile network is important not just because it provides voice calls and Internet connectivity to your phone or laptop,…

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