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What is MLOps? | Ubuntu

What is MLOps? | Ubuntu

MLOps is the short term for machine learning operations and it represents a set of practices that aim to simplify workflow processes and automate machine learning and deep learning deployments. It accomplishes the deployment and maintenance of models reliably and efficiently for production, at a large scale.

MLOps is slowly evolving into an independent approach to the machine learning lifecycle that includes all steps – from data gathering to governance and monitoring. It will become a standard as artificial intelligence is moving towards becoming part of everyday business, rather than just an innovative activity.

What is MLOps?

MLOps includes processes and underpinning technologies aside from best practices. It provides a scalable, centralised and governed means to improve machine learning activities.

DevOps vs MLOps

MLOPs borrows some of the widely adopted DevOps principles in software engineering, using them to take machine learning models to production faster. Much…

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