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Vivaldi 1.5.676.6 Web Browser Snapshot Introduces Easier Tab Selection by Domain

Vivaldi 1 5 676 6 web browser snapshot introduces easier tab selection by domain

Vivaldi’s Ruarí Ødegaard informs Softpedia about the availability of a new snapshot for the Chromium-based web browser, post-Vivaldi 1.5 stable release, laying the groundwork for the next major update, Vivaldi 1.6.

Vivaldi Snapshot 1.5.676.6 is here to address over 20 bugs reported by users in previous versions of the web browser, which, apparently, did not make it into the final Vivaldi 1.5 release announced at the beginning of the week of November 21. It also introduces an exciting new feature related to tab management, namely the ability to select tabs by domain much more easily, as well as some startup improvements.

“Consider you’re reading your online newspaper of choice and you open a bunch of interesting articles in new tabs, at some point things can get messy, and you might want to tidy up your tab bar. … (read more)

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