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Ubuntu Summit Memories Live On | Ubuntu

Ubuntu Summit Memories Live On | Ubuntu

The Ubuntu Summit in Prague was a wonderful and busy few days spent together. There were lots of amazing talks, workshops, and fun times had outside the hotel meeting rooms. If you missed it, go check out the Ubuntu Summit Highlight Reel blog post.

One of the end results of the Summit is a large collection of photos. There was an excellent professional photographer and videographer but that’s not all – there was the camera in everyone’s pockets!

Community Shared Photos

What memories do you have from the Ubuntu Summit? If you have pictures to share please fill out our upload form and we’ll put your images into our Community Gallery

Ubuntu summit memories live on ubuntu

Ubuntu summit memories live on ubuntu

Professional Photos

To see the large collection of professional shots, by Stansilav Milata, head over to our Summit Gallery.


Also there is now video available of the main ballroom and four talk rooms (Karlin 1-4)! Just head over to our UbuntuOnAir YouTube channel, where you will find the Ubuntu…

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