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Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Hits the Streets with MATE 1.16 Desktop and GTK+ 3 Goodness

Ubuntu mate 16 10 hits the streets with mate 1 16 desktop and gtk plus 3 goodness

Ubuntu 16.10 is not the only star of the day, as all of its derivatives received new versions, with more or less attractive features, such as Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (Yakkety Yak), which has been announced by project leader Martin Wimpress.

Shipping with Linux kernel 4.8 and the newest MATE 1.16 desktop environment based on the latest GTK+ 3.20 technologies, Ubuntu MATE 16.10 is probably the most important milestone of the official Ubuntu flavor built around the MATE Desktop, a continuation of the beloved GNOME 2 interface that was used by Ubuntu Linux until the launch of the modern Unity UI.

“This has … (read more)

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