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Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine Is Now Dead for Good

Ubuntu 19 10 eoan ermine is now dead for good 530575 2

Ubuntu 1910 eoan ermine is now dead for goodUbuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) has officially reached the end of support on July 17, which means that devices still running this version would no longer be provided with security patches and any other updates.

Running unsupported software is something that’s certainly not recommended, and security experts across the world advise users to upgrade to versions that still receive patches.

Malicious actors could use vulnerabilities discovered in outdated software to break into computers and access unauthorized data, and without security patches, these flaws would just stay unfixed.

As far as Ubuntu users are concerned, those running version 19.10 are recommended to update to 20.04 as soon as possible to deal with the risks mentioned above.

“No more package updates will be accepted to 19.10, and it will be archived to in the coming weeks,” Canonical warns.

“Ubuntu 20.04 continues to be actively supported with security updates and select high-impact… (<a href=""…

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