The State of Robotics – November 2021 | Ubuntu

  • Post Updated: April 3, 2024

The state of robotics – november 2021 ubuntu

Learning how to fly. Again. Because certain technologies and processes can always be optimized. Take laptops, for instance (I always wanted to become a laptop designer!). From foldable screens to computers that incorporate e-readers, we are always pushing for new designs that address ergonomic requirements but also improve the way we work. 

We are doing the same with drones. This month features innovations that dare to challenge the status quo of how we fly. 

The seat belt sign is on, and we’re cleared for takeoff. Let’s go! 

ROS CVE alert – ensuring security for robotics

We mentioned this in our previous newsletter, but to increase awareness, we’ll repeat it this month, too. Early in October 2021, Open Robotics registered a CVE security vulnerability that affects ROS Kinetic, Melodic, and Noetic. 

If you are working with any of these ROS distributions, act now. You can find information on what you should do here

Four wings are just overrated 

When we think…

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