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Secret Project Brings “Very Usable” Microsoft Office to Ubuntu 20.04

Secret project brings very usable microsoft office to ubuntu 20 04 529893 2 scaled

Secret project brings “very usable” microsoft office to ubuntu 20.04While LibreOffice is one of the best alternatives to Microsoft Office, and it also comes with full Linux support, a Linux version of Microsoft’s productivity suite is what’s holding so many people back from moving off Windows.

And while it’s possible to get Office up and running on Linux (with some performance hiccups, of course), someone says they found a way to make the whole thing happen on Ubuntu 20.4 without WINE, cloud, or GNOME on WSL.

Demo videos that were posted on Twitter show both Word and Excel running on Ubuntu 20.04, and Hayden Barnes, who created the whole project, says both applications are “very usable.”

“Word on Ubuntu 20.04. Very usable on an i5-6300U with just integrated graphics. It is not WINE, remote/cloud, or GNOME on WSL. It is something else I put together. Next, I plan to add working file associations,” he says in a tweet showing Microsoft Word on Linux.

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