Raspbian Switches to Linux Kernel 4.4 LTS, Gets Bluetooth UI and SD Card Copier

  • Post Updated: April 3, 2024

Raspberry Pi Foundation’s Simon Long today announced that a major update is available for the main Linux kernel-based operating system for Raspberry Pi single-board computers.

As many of you might know already, Raspberry Pi Foundation unveiled their newest and most advanced SBC, the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, on February 29, 2016, finally implementing a 64-bit processor, along with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support.

While Raspberry Pi 3’s new technologies were supported by the Debian-based Raspbian operating system, such as Bluetooth connectivity, there wasn’t a graphical user interface to make the life of Raspberry Pi users easier when working with Bluetooth devices.

And now, the latest update to Raspbian, version 2016-05-10, adds just that, a Bluetooth UI in the form of an indicator/plugin for the LXPanel of the LXDE desktop environment, which also supports Bluetooth Audio. So, after updating your Raspbian OS, you’ll now see a new Bluetooth icon on the panel, ne… (read more)

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