The GNOME developers announced this past weekend that they were working hard on releasing the third snapshot towards the GNOME 3.22 desktop environment.
GNOME 3.21.3 should arrive tomorrow, at least according to the official release schedule, but as usual, it might be delayed a day or two because not all the maintainers have updated their packages. However, in the last 24 hours, we’ve noticed many updated core components and apps, among which Orca.
Orca is the screen reader and magnifier utility that is usually shipped by default with the GNOME Stack, but it can also be found pre-installed in numerous popular GNU/Linux operating systems, including Ubuntu. The Orca 3.21.3 development release is now available, and it looks like it brings several important fixes and improvements.
What’s new in Orca 3.21.3
First, there are some performance enhancements in Orca 3.21.3 for the Web engine, thanks to the implementation of more caching. Second, it looks l… (read more)
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