Creating an Ansible static inventory with variables
Static Inventory: Static inventory is default inventory and is defined in the /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg file. Default file can be changed inside the ansible.cfg file. If you want...
Static Inventory: Static inventory is default inventory and is defined in the /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg file. Default file can be changed inside the ansible.cfg file. If you want...
Only two weeks after the release of the significant Krita 3.3 update, the popular open-source and cross-platform digital painting app received a bug fix release that...
Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) is almost here and the guys over at System76 are adding finishing touches to the first release of their Pop!_OS Linux distro,...
The guys over elementary OS, the popular GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu, were interviewed recently by Canonical’s Sarah Dickinson about upcoming integration of Snap packages into...
Canonical’s community manager Alan Pope recently put out a call for community members to test the upcoming Release Candidate (RC) ISO images of the Ubuntu 17.10...
GNU/Linux developer Arne Exton recently released a new version of his ExTiX Linux distro, which he dubs as “the Ultimate Linux System,” based on Ubuntu 17.10...
Learn how to reset iptables to default settings. Default setting of iptable is to accept all for all type of connections. Read More The post How-to...
The Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) GNU/Linux operating system is only six days apart and, according to the release schedule, it just entered Final Freeze development stage...
This article provides a detailed guide for creating, launching, and managing an ec2 instance in amazon cloud.It provides details for modifying various settings , and configuring...
This is step by step guide, you are going to learn how to get started with IT Automation with Ansible. This is your first step to...