gThumb 3.6 GNOME Image Viewer Released with Better Wayland and HiDPI Support
gThumb, the open-source image viewer for the GNOME desktop environment, has been updated this week to version 3.6, a new stable branch that introduces numerous new...
gThumb, the open-source image viewer for the GNOME desktop environment, has been updated this week to version 3.6, a new stable branch that introduces numerous new...
Canonical’s Mir developer Gerry Boland reports on the community forums on the latest work done by him and his team to implement Wayland support in the...
After releasing the new kernel update for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) systems to patch 13 security vulnerabilities, Canonical announced the availability of a major kernel...
The Qt Company, through Tuukka Turunen, announced today the third maintenance and stability update to the latest Qt 5.9 LTS open-source and cross-platform application framework. While...
A few days after releasing a new build of his ExLight Linux distribution, developer Arne Exton is now informing us on the availability of a new...
qBittorrent, the open-source and cross-platform BitTorrent client written in Qt for GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows systems, has been updated to version 4.0, a major release adding...
The developers of the Ubuntu-based LXLE GNU/Linux distribution have announced the release of LXLE 16.04.3, the latest update to the Eclectica series based on Ubuntu 16.04...
Coinmon is an open-source CLI tool that allows the user to check the cryptocurrencies prices in a simple way. This is a useful piece of software both...
Ken Moore, the creator of the FreeBSD-based TrueOS operating system using the Lumina desktop environment, announced today the release of Lumina 1.4.0. Lumina 1.4.0 is a...
4MLinux developer Zbigniew Konojacki informed us today on the general availability of the TheSSS 23.1 maintenance update of the Smallest Server Suite GNU/Linux distribution. TheSSS 23.1...