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LibreOffice 6.1 Reaches End of Life on May 29, Upgrade to LibreOffice 6.2 Now

Libreoffice 6 1 reaches end of life on may 29 upgrade to libreoffice 6 2 now 525929 2

Libreoffice 6.1 reaches end of life on may 29 upgradeThe Document Foundation announced today that the LibreOffice 6.1 office suite series got its sixth and last point release as version 6.1.6, which is now available to download for all supported platforms.

LibreOffice 6.1.6 is now available for Linux, Windows, and Mac platforms, coming three months after the release of LibreOffice 6.1.5 back in February when The Document Foundation launched the latest LibreOffice 6.2 office suite series. It’s a maintenance update that includes a total 57 bug fixes for various of LibreOffice’s components.

“This is a more mature version of the software which includes some months of back-ported fixes,” said Italo Vignoli in a press release. “Organizations looking for an enterprise class application backed by support and service level agreements (SLA) should source a LibreOffice LTS (Long Term Supported) version from those TDF Advisory Board members.”

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