Today, September 6, 2016, a new version of the Krita open-source digital painting software has been released, build 3.0.1, and it’s the first bugfix and feature release for the major Krita 3.0 series.
Release highlights of Krita 3.0.1 include the ability to tweak the Brush settings in the pop-up palette, soft proofing support, which lets you see what your artwork will look like when it’s converted to CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black), as well as various improvements to the mirror tools by adding extra options.
Moreover, there’s now a Threshold filter and a Wavelet Decompose plugin, an updated Free Transform tool that lets you quickly flip or rotate your selections and layers, and it looks like the Dockers were improved as well by moving the Histogram area from the layers menu into its own Histogram docker.
“This release already contains the first results of the 2016 Google Summer of Code projects, as well as kickstarter-funded features, the work of new contributors… (read more)
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