KDE Plasma 5.17.2 Desktop Environment Brings More Than 25 Bug Fixes, Update Now

  • Post Updated: April 3, 2024

Kde plasma 5.17.2 desktop environment brings more than 25 bugThe KDE Project announced today the general availability of the second point release to their latest KDE Plasma 5.17 desktop environment for Linux-based operating systems.

Coming just a week after the first point release, KDE Plasma 5.17.2 is here with another batch of bug fixes across a wide range of components, including Plasma Discover, Plasma Workspace, Plasma Desktop, KWin, System Settings, KMenuEdit, Breeze GTK, and Dr Konqi. This maintenance update contains a total of 27 changes, as detailed here.

“Today KDE releases a bugfix update to KDE Plasma 5, versioned 5.17.2. Plasma 5.17 was released in October 2019 with many feature refinements and new modules to complete the desktop experience. This release adds a week’s worth of new t… (read more)

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