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Inclusive Language and its Future at Canonical | Ubuntu

Inclusive Language and its Future at Canonical | Ubuntu

Inclusive language and its future at canonical ubuntu

You Belong by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Changing our language

If you follow Canonical’s code and documentation, you may have noticed that we’re slowly changing some common computing terms. You might wonder what has caused these changes. You might ask why Canonical is putting in the effort to make this more inclusive language stick.

The changes at Canonical are part of a bigger movement in the tech community, and we are bringing our products in line with new standards. This is also a way for us to do better. Inclusive language is a way to live by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. It’s also a way to make both tech and the wider world a better, more welcoming place.

What is “inclusive language”?

Generally, inclusive language means using precise technical terms that do not leave out marginalised groups or carry needless emotional or historical baggage.

In practice, this means reviewing terms that’re commonly used in tech, and deciding whether it could be improved with…

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