Hello everyone, you can now make the Console app the default terminal app on Ubuntu by following our straight forward guide right below. A lot of people prefer console and I don’t blame them, it gets the job done.
What is Console?
Console is an alternative to the terminal that comes with Ubuntu because Ubuntu. It grants you the ability to open several terminals, execute commands in each of those terminals, and then share those commands with other people as it has many pre-installed softwares. Additionally, it comes with a number of additional capabilities such as tab recognition, command background, and plenty more.
Do Search to Access the Computer Resource Center
You need to do a search for ‘console’ and then click mostly on the result in order to activate the Computer Resource Center. When you are presented with the opportunity to launch Console, select it. It is recommended that you now run Console as the primary terminal. But before running check the current Ubuntu version.
If you wish to continue using xfce4-terminal, all you have to do is run the startxfce4 command on the computer.
Now Select Results
If you have Ubuntu downloaded and installed, navigate to the Launchpad Software Center and conduct a search for the term “console.” Simply start Console as your preferred terminal application by clicking on the search result that returns.
If you are still having trouble, you can try starting it through the Terminal app. If something doesn’t work either, try uninstalling Console from the Linux based Software Center and then restarting your computer to see whether that fixes the problem. If this doesn’t work, you may need to update a new version of Computer if you haven’t already. If none of these methods performed for you, an additional option is to reinstall Console through the Ubuntu Windows Server; alternatively, you might just give up and go on.
Select Launch Console
If the opportunity to launch Console is not visible to you, click the button labelled “More results,” and thereafter try using the search bar again.
If you are still unable to locate it, select the option to refine your search, and then perform another search.
You can also launch an additional application, such as Gedit or Terminal, and start a terminal window there. Then, click to Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > Customisable button (or press Ctrl+Alt+T) – here, we’ll create some custom controls that will enable us to start Dashboard as our default terminal app! Simply add following lines of code after all of the others after you have launched Console by pressing Ctrl-F1 (“Launch Copied”):
It is Recommended that you Now Run Console as the Primary Terminal.
Let’s check that the new default terminal app is functioning properly for you now that you’ve modified it.
- Launch the Console in a new window, and log in using the credentials for your account:
- $ console password -u [email protected]
If your username is associated with more than one account, you must preface each account name with “[email protected]” and then press Enter:
If users already exist on the system, the ‘—login’ option will return a list of those users. If users do not already exist on the system, an error message will be displayed instead (e.g., in case there was an error creating or modifying the config file). This makes perfect sense given that none of our accounts have been setup as of yet! However, in order so that we can create accounts in the future, there will be modifications required within our current configuration file. Because of this, we will need access once more after we have completed some prior work.
Ubuntu Supports VPNs? Yes
As we know Ubuntu is a free operating system of Linux and it supports free VPNs addition.
It is a generic question asked many times that Ubuntu supports VPNs? The answer is yes, because VPN makes sure that sending and receiving files are encrypted because VPN encryption uses asymmetric key encryption when your PC is connected with a private network. But installing and running VPN on Linux is done with a command line process.
You can run VPN on Ubuntu with two steps, one is by command line method and second is by using GUI method. But before going to apply any method you have to update your system.
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