Hello everyone, you can download Nordic theme for Ubuntu and experience a smooth and calming dark-tone theme that might even affect your mood in a positive way.
Today we will highlight this awesome theme that at least for me, made me feel very relaxed and calm once I tried it out for a few hours. It’s nothing too special but it gets the job done, especially if you want to take a break from likes of the new Fluent Round GTK theme which on average, is getting downloaded well over 250 times a day from our websites alone, pretty impressive for a theme that we just added less than 72 hours ago. Anyway, this Nordic theme lives by it’s name, it makes you feel like you are up there in the mountains, and yes, we have included the wallpaper you see in the previews. It surprisingly doesn’t come with its own unique icon theme so you are free to experiment with whatever works for you, even the standard icons that come with Ubuntu seem to look just fine. But, it actually does come with it’s own buttons for the different/variant colors that it comes with, all of that is included below. Let me know in the comments what you think about this theme but to me, it’s really a nicely put together theme, I give it a solid rating of 8.0/10.
Install Nordic Theme on Ubuntu
Download Nordic GTK for Linux via Gnome Look
Download Nordic GTK for Linux via GitHub
Nordic Theme Screenshots
Nordic Theme Wallpaper
Below is the wallpaper you can use to as your background on your Ubuntu OS to complete your look, it’s nice and smooth right? Calming yet inspiring.
You can click on this wallpaper to view the full size version.
Manually install Nordic Theme
- After downloading the theme, extract the zip file to the themes directory i.e. ~/.themes/ or /usr/share/themes/ (create it if necessary).
- To set the theme in Gnome, run the following commands in Terminal.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Nordic gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme Nordic
You might also like the Zafiro icon theme – it has a flat and minimalistic look to the icons.