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Debian-Based Netrunner 19.01 "Blackbird" Officially Released with New Dark Look

Debian based netrunner 19 01 blackbird officially released with new dark look 524545 5

Debian based netrunner 19.01 quotblackbirdquot officially released with new dark lookThe development team behind the Netrunner Linux project announced today the official release and general availability of the Debian-based Netrunner 19.01 operating system.

Dubbed Blackbird, Netrunner 19.01 comes ten months after the Netrunner 18.03 “Idolon” release with a fresh, dark new look and feel with a more 3D-looking design, which was created using the Kvantum theme engine and the Alpha-Black Plasma theme. The new theme comes with some bling too as there’s now a light glow for the “Minimize all Windows to show Desktop” function.

“Around this time of the year, we thought we could try something more vivid and colorful to lighten up the shortened days. So instead of going with the previously used “material look”, we thought of something different. Blackbird ships with a new Look and Feel Theme called “Netrunner Black” that is based on a dark, yet not too harsh contrasting visual,” reads today’s <a href="… (<a href=""…

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