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DebEX KDE Live DVD Updated with KDE 4.14.2 and Plasma 5, Linux Kernel 4.8 RC8

Debex kde live dvd updated with kde 4 14 2 and plasma 5 linux kernel 4 8 rc8

GNU/Linux developer Arne Exton informs us about the release of a new stable build of his Debian-based DebEX KDE Live DVD, which ships with the latest stable Linux kernel packages and up-to-date software components.

Based on the Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 “Jessie” operating system, DebEX KDE Live DVD Build 161001 is out as a drop-in replacement to version 160604, but it looks like Arne Exton managed to implement the latest Release Candidate (RC) version of the just announced Linux 4.8 kernel, which should be out any moment now.

According to Mr. Exton, DebEX KDE Live DVD is a pure Debian OS, which means that it does not contain any components from the Kubuntu or Ubuntu operating systems. It is built on the KDE Development Platform 4.14.2, as well as the KDE Plasma 5:84 desktop environment from the Debian Jessie repos.

“I hav… (read more)

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