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Canonical Outs Linux Kernel Security Update for Ubuntu 19.04 to Patch 9 Flaws

Canonical outs linux kernel security update for ubuntu 19 04 to patch 9 flaws 527865 2

Canonical outs linux kernel security update for ubuntu 19.04 toWith only a few hours left before the release of Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Canonical released today a new Linux kernel security patch for Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) to address several security vulnerabilities.

The new security update for Ubuntu 19.04 is here to patch a total of seven security flaws affecting the Linux 5.0 kernel used by the operating system, including an issue (CVE-2019-15902) discovered by Brad Spengler which could allow a local attacker to expose sensitive information as a Spectre mitigation was improperly implemented in the ptrace susbsystem.

It also fixes several flaws (CVE-2019-14814, CVE-2019-14815, CVE-2019-14816) discovered by We… (read more)

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