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antiX MX-16 "Metamorphosis" Linux OS Is Just Around the Corner, RC1 Out Now

Antix mx 16 metamorphosis linux os is just around the corner rc1 out now

During the first days of November, we reported that the antiX MX-16 “Metamorphosis” Linux operating system entered development and that it would be based on Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 “Jessie.”

Today, November 24, 2016, we’re happy to report that the first Release Candidate is available for public testing, bringing numerous enhancements since the Beta milestone. However, it looks like this might just be the last RC released for antiX MX-16, which could be promoted to the stable channel very soon after this announcement.

“We have quashed many bugs and added improvements since the first public-beta1. The dev team hopes that, with additional feedback, the final should be ready very soon. Please help us by testing and reporting any issues that crop up,” reads the release notes on the distribution’s <a href="… (read more)

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