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An overview of OpenStack storage | Ubuntu

An overview of OpenStack storage | Ubuntu

OpenStack storage is probably one of the most complex topics in OpenStack architecture right after networking. There are many different storage options, at least a few storage services, and tons of supported storage backends. It is very easy to get lost.

But do not worry, there is hope. Since OpenStack was initially created as an open-source implementation of the Amazon Web Service Elastic Compute Cloud (AWS EC2), its storage architecture is quite similar to leading public clouds. This similarity makes it relatively easy to learn for someone who already has some cloud experience.

Ready to uncover OpenStack storage fundamentals? Let’s dive in!

OpenStack storage options

We are going to start with an overview of the OpenStack storage options (or types). This is the topic that creates the most confusion, especially for people with a traditional data centre or VMware background.

An overview of openstack storage ubuntu

Ephemeral storage

Ephemeral storage is the primary storage option available in OpenStack. It is…

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