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Advantech and Canonical Collaborate on Ubuntu Pre-Loaded Embedded Solutions for Edge Computing Applications | Ubuntu

Advantech and Canonical Collaborate on Ubuntu Pre-Loaded Embedded Solutions for Edge Computing Applications | Ubuntu

March 2nd, 2022 — Advantech, a leading provider of embedded IoT solutions, has collaborated with Canonical in the provision of Ubuntu pre-loaded and certified embedded boards and systems for diverse edge computing applications. By certifying Advantech products, Canonical, the publisher of Ubuntu, guarantees up to 10 years of Linux security and update capabilities for users in the AI robotics, industrial manufacturing, and mission-critical application sectors.

Deployment-Ready Ubuntu Certified AIoT Devices Reduces Time to Market

In order to ensure the best out-of-the-box experiences, Advantech and Canonical collaborated on the provision of Ubuntu certifications for deployment-ready IoT devices. Indeed, users can save time when configuring/installing the OS on the hardware. Canonical performs tests that confirm industrial-grade standards for the Ubuntu running on the system. These tests also ensure that individual hardware I/O function normally. Once completed, Advantech…

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