Accelerate automotive 3D models with vGPU | Ubuntu

  • Post Updated: April 4, 2024

In previous blog posts, we’ve covered digital twins in the automotive industry and how they can help further the development of autonomous vehicles, among other use cases. We’ve also explored how to speed up development in distributed engineering teams cost effectively with virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) with virtual graphics processing units (vGPUs), like those from NVIDIA.

3D models are a key component for building digital twins. You might be convinced that virtualisation is great and that vGPUs are your best option for handling graphically intensive operations like 3D models, but first, what are vGPUs exactly? And how can they help you build and simulate your 3D projects?

Accelerate automotive 3d models with vgpu ubuntu

Thanks to high performance computing (HPC) and vGPU, users, designers and developers get access to much more performance than what they would have with a regular desktop or workstation. vGPU makes it possible to run high-end graphics applications on remote devices from anywhere in the…

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