Ubuntu 22.04 FIPS 140-3 modules available for preview | Ubuntu


Canonical has been working with our testing lab partner, atsec information security, to prepare the cryptographic modules in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) for certification with NIST under the new FIPS 140-3 standard. The modules passed all of atsec’s algorithm validation tests and are in the queue awaiting NIST’s approval. We can’t predict when the FIPS modules will eventually be processed, but NIST updates the list of modules in their queue on a daily basis – and you can access the preview modules now.

FIPS 140-3 is a NIST standard for ensuring that cryptography has been implemented correctly, protecting users against common pitfalls such as misconfigurations or weak algorithms. All US Government departments, federal agencies, contractors and military groups are required to use FIPS validated crypto modules, and a number of industries have also adopted the FIPS 140 standard as a security best practice. A FIPS-compliant technology stack is therefore essential in these…

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