4MLinux 24.0 GNU/Linux Distro to Arrive March 2018 with GCC 7.1, Linux 4.9 LTS

  • Post Updated: April 3, 2024

Zbigniew Konojacki‏, the creator of the 4MLinux project, informs us today on the immediate availability for download of the Beta release of his upcoming 4MLinux 24.0 GNU/Linux operating system.

Development of the 4MLinux 24.0 operating system was kicked off two weeks ago with the release of the 4MLinux 24.0 Core Beta edition, on which 4MLinux 24.0 is based, as well as any other GNU/Linux distributions created by the developer, including TheSSS, 4MParted, 4MRescue, Antivirus Live CD, and BakAndImgCD.

Shipping with up-to-date core components, the 4MLinux 24.0 Beta is now ready for testing, powered by the long-term supported Linux 4.9.52 kernel and GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) 7.1.0 compiler, which is used by default for all the apps included in the distribution. You can study the <a href="http://4mlinux.com/addons… (read more)

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